Our October CFSS Meet & Greet was highly educational with our guest speaker Kelly from CFF Compass. The topic of Medicare resonated with many of our attendees. We are thankful so many had an opportunity to ask questions during the meeting!

Understanding plans, coverage, and benefits can be tricky, but COMPASS has your back! CFF COMPASS is your trusted resource for individuals with cystic fibrosis.
If you have additional questions or are looking for support, please reach out to Kelly directly and she or the COMPASS team can assist you!
Kelly M. COMPASS Senior Case Manager CF Foundation COMPASS kmuldowney@cff.org 844-COMPASS (266-7277) COMPASS Fax: 877-868-5952
Additionally, the information on the CFF website is hot off the press and includes Medicare updates for 2024. Take a look: Medicare and CF | Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (cff.org)
Join us for the next CF Senior Saturday (CFSS) Meet & Greet!
Next meeting: Saturday, November 11, 2023